girls, guys. update on Copenhagen Fashion Week. i told you i would tell you which designers im booked for. here it goes:
rosa bryndis, ivana helsinki, POP, VEKO og worlds greatest catwalk.1,6 km!!
i actually had more shows, but it's common to be deselected before the shows.
i think i will do a "cfw-diary" what would you like to see?
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11 kommentarer:
That's amazing!!! I'm so happy for you.
And I think making a "cfw-diary" is a fantastic idea!
Uh, det lyder som en god idé! Kunne være vildt lækkert at se noget fra modeugen :-)
mig og min medblogger var blevet inviteret af rosa bryndis, til og komme ind og se det, men vi kan desværre ikke! årg jeg ærger mig ..
xx cecilie
i'll see you walking at ivanka helsinki!;)
an every day v-log, about one or two min. you are so drop-dead gorgeous, hope you won't fall or sth like that, good luck. and by the way, where is the v-log from you+ida? hearty-heart
er det ikke lidt nederen du ikke for penge for det når du stadig er new face?:D
Ditte, det gør jeg. og ville gøre det selvom jeg ikke fik, det er fede oplevelser du får ud af.
some backstage pictures would be great :) and of course pictures of you and your outfitts :)
Wow! Congratulations! I want to see photos of you walking down the runway!
would love to see it/soo cool you are on the longest catwalk!!!xx
wow! definately some back stage pics and some fashion week outfit posts! have an amazing time! x
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